What we do

We serve as the primary point of contact for investors, suppliers, partners and all stakeholders doing business in the Petroleum Hub.  We offer a variety of services to assist both local and international companies in realizing investment opportunities in the Hub. Our goal is to provide a “one-stop-shop” service aimed at helping investors navigate the investment landscape in Ghana with ease and maximize their potential for success.

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Key Infrastructure



900,000 BSPD Total Capacity

Three (3) refineries with a total of 900,000 bpd minimum will be built, each of them will have a capacity of 300,000 bpd but can be expanded to 500,000 bpd by 2030 to 2035. One refinery will be built in each phase.

The hub’s minimum capacity is 900,000 bpd but can be expanded to 1.5 million bpd.


Petrochemical Plants

5 Petrochemical Plants with 90,000 BPSD Capacity

There will be five (5) multi-purpose petrochemical plants with a 90,000 bpd capacity to produce fertilizers, lubricants and cosmetics. Three of these petrochemical plants to be fed with gas, and two to be fed with crude oil.

The feedstock will come from byproducts of the refineries. One (1) Petrochemical plant to be built in phase 1, additional two (2) plants in phase 2 and final two (2) plants in phase 3.


Storage Tanks

10,000,000m3 Storage Capacity

The Petroleum Hub will have tank farms with 10 million cubic metres of storage capacity built across three phases.

3 million cubic metres in phase in phase 1, additional 4 million cubic metres to be built in phase 2, and 3 million cubic metres in the final phase.


Jetties & Port Infrastructure

 The hub will have 2 or more jetties, and at least 4 discharge points. The hub should have the ability to handle vessels of all sizes

Ancillary Infrastructure


• Road network
• Rail network
• Airfield


• Water Treatment Facilities
• Power infrastructure
(renewable and gas-powered
power plants)
• Waste Treatment Facilities
• Solid Logistics
• Commercial Services
• Security
• Emergency Response Center


• Residential Area
• Commercial Area
• Recreational Area

Other Services

• State-of-the-art Laboratory
for petroleum products
• Fabrication Workshops
• Metering & Calibration
• Inspection Services
• Equipment Supply
• Logistics Services

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